This is a graphic representation from 1990 of the deadly multiple sustained and effects on the biosphere of constant fossil fuelled economic growth.
Below is one research paper that shows how our economy is killing our planet- even before global climate change was impacting.
This 1992 IPCC gobal climate change impacts illustration shows the great range of climate change impacts- the entire planet and most important for civilization and survival agriculture and water availability.
The big picture starting with atmospheric GHGas pollution and the total impact on human health and survival. .
Human Population Health. Earth systems interact with climate all impacting on human health (WHO). Multiple global climate change impacts on global environmental health will multiply many ongoing preexisting global environmental degradations and population socio-oeconomic deprivations. No regions and no populations can withstand this kind of increasing additive cumulative damage for long. Civilization will collapse globally and all regions if this is not addressed fully on an emergency basis.
The big global climate change picture for us starts with civilization (our world economy) and ends with potentially the end of civilization for ever and a crisis of survival for all humanity. Our fossil fuel driven economics is inherently destructive to our natural environment and natural resource base. appreciate that Our advanced civilization is totally dependent on the continued success of agriculture and that totally depends on the climate not changing.
Sustainable development (below) is the economic reform designed to solve the problem suggested by the UN and the IPCC, and agreed to by all nations in 1992 (Earth Summit).
Growing food crops on a small scale became possible about 10,000 years ago and since because of a uniquely long period of climate stability with a narrow range of global average temperatures of 0.5C below and 0.5C above the global average. Civilization only started 3,500 years ago community agriculture. developed independently in several regions of the world around the same time because of a conducive global climate. Even so vast regions of the planet are too hot for agriculture and large regions are at the upper temperature limit for crops. It is certain if the global temperature continues on its current trajectory agriculture can be expected to fail in large regions followed by the failure of agriculture in almost all regions by mid century and the collapse of civilization. .
The 2014 5th IPCC assessments records that all these impacts known in 1992 are happening (on all continents and across all oceans) and increasing.
The above was updated in 2015 to 2012 now named The trajectory of the
Anthropocene: The Great Acceleration. The accelerating damages continue with the exception of stratospheric ozone depletion that has stayed the same.
Global warming in 2016
exceeds 1.0C.
The 2014 IPCC 5th assessment
reports that most crops yields in most regions show negative effects of climate change and from hereon with or without adaptation all crops in regions will decline
This is the only IPCC assessment that projects actual global average temperatures and from 1850. The high range has not changed and the world is on this track.
The so-called best scenario is not accurate or relevant.